Old Airbrush Art

Mural done for my brothers wall circa 1986. 

 I'm not sure which dentist this was done for nor who commissioned it.
 Same thing here, not sure whom it was for nor who commissioned it.
 Ditto as above.

These were done for the receptionist at Merichem, Sandy. These were some type of flower her husband her had bred and showed at contests.
 This was done for my nephew Brad Manker. Can't see the dates on most of these, but it's safe to assume it was during the 90's

  Sure wish the photos had not cropped out part of the art. The top left was for my mother, the other's I'm not so sure.
This one was done for my brother Clayton. I don;t think he wore it that often, probably because Leonardo was not his favorite. I still have it.

 I wish I had better photos of this shirt. I loved it and wore it a ton of times. It had the Japanese rising sun on the front and had no arms, totally open on the sides.

 Not much call for sweat shirts down here in Texas, but I wore it as often as I could. I had just discovered Queensryche and this image was taken from a photo in the cassette insert of "Empire".
Possibly my first ever airbrushed piece. It was taken from the reprint of Neal Adams Batman Man-Bat issues. It won a V.I.C.A. (Vocational Industrial Clubs of America) award. I wonder if I would have received it had they known it was a swipe? I recall having read that Neal used an overhead projector, so I figured I'd do the same thing. They must have been popular at the time as we had one at my magnet High School (Barbara Jordan High School for Careers). Man, those things put out a ton of heat. I ruined more than one comic in this fashion.
I did this one at the Joe Kubert School for Cartoon and Graphic Art. Not terribly original, but I really wanted to airbrush chrome.
A wall mural I did in the Military at Ft. Hood. I had painted one with brush during A.I.T. This one took much longer!
This one was never completed. An ex-girlfriend. I had this great idea to add the words flashback heart attack above and below the image. It's a song by E.Z.O. and was very apropos for the situation at that time.

This is the drawing that the T-Shirt was based on from a photo, also uncompleted.

 This painted in traditional acrylics except the background which is all airbrush. I was painting if for my brother Tony before he passed away. I was unable to finish it and therefore had it cremated with him.

The reference I was using for the above piece.

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